maandag 10 mei 2010

In the media: "Noord-Holland Wordt Anders"

Luigi Prins recently wrote a column about winning the "Mossel Award" in the magazine "Noord-Holland Wordt Anders". In the same magazine also an editorial piece on the visit of the Mayor and Aldermen of de gemeente Haarlemmerliede at SugarCity Haarlem.

dinsdag 4 mei 2010

Silos matching backdrop for shoot and interviews with Batavus' Bub

The Sugar City Silos recently served as a backdrop for the filming of a new model of the bicycle brand Batavus: the BUB. Enter the site through this link and navigate to the item "Watch The Designers' at the left bottom of the site to see how Jorrit and Onno ride along on their bikes through the silos. (interviews are in Dutch)

Also in need of an inspiring location for your photo shoot, filming or interested in renting an office in the Sugar City Silos? Please contact us by using our contact form.

woensdag 14 april 2010

Sugar City silos inspire photographers

Photographer Guus Vuijk was inspired by the beautiful architecture of the Sugar City silos and took some great pictures. The sugar silos converted to office spaces, situated near Haarlem and Amsterdam, are for many people both day and night an inspiring picture. More photos:

woensdag 24 februari 2010

Luigi Prins

Luigi Prins has turned his passion into his profession by building an important business in sourcing and developing historic properties.

dinsdag 23 februari 2010

Herbestemming met accent op vroeger of vandaag

a great dutch article about SugarCity published in a book named ‘’.